Practice Charter


The Junction surgery aims to provide a comprehensive range and excellent standard of services to the population of Moldgreen and its surrounding area, focusing on health promotion and health education to allow patients to manage and maintain their own health needs.

man_with_lady_doctorWhat you can expect from us:

  • You will be greeted in a friendly courteous manner by staff

  • We will give you full information about the availability of services within the practice

  • Where you have booked an appointment, you will be seen within 30 minutes of your appointment time, but where a delay may occur you can expect to be advised of this

  • We will keep you fully informed about all aspects of your condition, possible treatments and side effects

  • Telephone calls will be answered promptly and diverted to the appropriate person

  • We endeavor to have requests for repeat prescriptions completed and ready for collection within 48 hours

  • You will be seen the same day with an urgent medical problem

  •  We will respect your confidentiality at all times

  • If you are unhappy about any aspect of your care and wish to discuss this further, please contact your doctor or our complaints liaison manager. 

Your responsibilities to us:

  • Please only request a home visit when absolutely necessary and you are too ill to attend the surgery

  • Please give us adequate notice of appointment cancellations

  • Please treat the staff courteously

  • Please inform us if you change your name, address or mobile number

  • Please consider other patients and remember one appointment is for one patient only

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